Network and Information Security Platform
The public-private network and information security (NIS) Platform – NISP - was established in June 2013, as part of the EU Cybersecurity Strategy, and has already succeeded in delivering a first set of guidance on good cybersecurity practices.
The Platform counts over 200 organisations as its members. The membership has gathered for three Plenary meetings, and many more telephone conferences, over the year of its existence.
The minutes and documents from Plenary meetings are available on the NIS Platform web-portal. This work is a good beginning in a process that aims to build trust and security over the long and diverse value chain linking together providers and users in the European digital marketplace.
The establishment of the NIS Public-Private Platform was announced in the Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union. It shares the same objective as the Cybersecurity Strategy (pdf) and the NIS Directive (pdf) , i.e. to foster the resilience of the networks and information systems which underpin the services provided by market operators and public administrations in Europe. The NIS Platform will help implement the measures set out in the NIS Directive and ensure its convergent and harmonized application across the EU.
Establish a cooperation platform for the mobilization of public and private forces towards the development of innovative solutions to environmental, social and economic challenges of the Mediterranean area, targeting the sustainable
development of this specific area by initiating, planning and developing projects and utilizing European and other funds.
The work of the Platform will draw from international standards and best practices.
Following discussion on the possible organization of work during the first meeting of the NIS Platform on 17 June 2013, it was decided to set up 3 working groups:
WG1 on risk management, including information assurance, risks metrics and awareness raising
WG2 on information exchange and incident coordination, including incident reporting and risks metrics for the purpose of information exchange
WG3 on secure ICT research and innovation.
The working groups will be cross-cutting, with all relevant sectors represented. They will seek to identify cross cutting / horizontal best practices. If relevant, sector-specific work could be undertaken at a later stage. Incentives to adopt best practices will be addressed in each working group.
The findings of the Platform will feed into Commission recommendations on cybersecurity to be adopted in 2014.
RTEL participates in WG1