3D (Digital Design and Development of tourism products and services) aimed in the development of dynamic-operated modules provided
by tourism suppliers such as hotels, agents, airlines, tour operators.
3D significantly contributes to the modernisation of product design and development in Tourism, using digital platforms and improves product quality and interactions
for the clients.It also enables Tourism Suppliers to capture and pool client requirements and share resources in design, development and maintenance by:
Pooling and coordinating all efforts of participating suppliers in the product design and development.
Offering to customers using Information Technology the possibility for a much more flexible product definition / composition, based on their individual preferences.
Capturing and analysing user preferences during their interaction with the system and make them on-line available to all participants, in order to decide on necessary product adjustments.
Transferring new trends of clients preferences directly to the product development and allowing this way a much more effective and quicker adjustments of product modules.
In detail, 3D contributes to:
Digital Development and Design
3D contributed to the development of a methodology and innovative software tools to reorganise product development and design in Tourism. All phases of development, design and maintenance were realised
in digital form, instead of the mix of written and edp procedures today, which do not correspond anymore to the business requirements of today.
Distributed Design and Development
Before, each Tourism supplier realised the product design separately and had afterwards to coordinate it with other partners. 3D enabled the distributed cooperation of Tourism Suppliers in product
design and development, directly in a digital system, which manages coherences and interferences by smart software tools.
Capture of user’s requirements
3D proposed the development of a methodology and software wizard, which uses the client interaction with the system to capture and to analyse customer's requirements. The system made these data
available to all participants and moreover support automatically product improvements based on these data.
Digital Maintenance
Tourism Products had to be maintained permanently as external factors (weather, political situation etc,) effect on the product in short-term. 3D developed software facilities, which allow to every
Tourism Supplier to maintain his product modules directly through the system. For this also developed appropriate procedures of coordination and logical checks.
Supplier and Client Interactions
In the proposed system both, supplier and clients, interact directly through the digital system.By these direct interactions, value is maximised as resources are distributed between the suppliers
participating in the system and on the other as clients can rely on the permanent actualisation of the provided products. Moreover it is expected that these direct interactions will enable
Tourism Suppliers to improve and adjust products much quicker and based on real client requirements.