RTEL is a leading Greek Information and Communication Technologies service provider and software-systems developer.

Its expertise covers solutions for the hospitality, business, health and public sectors. The company was established in 1993 and the headquarters are based on the Island of Rhodes - Greece. It is certified with a DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 certification, a ELOT ISO/EIC ISO 27001: 2013 certification and is a Cisco Advanced Wireless specialized Partner. RTEL designs, develops and supports ICT solutions using state-of-the art technology and there is expertise in advanced wired and wireless technology, unified communications, databases, management systems, e-business, e-collaboration, security etc.

RTEL has acquired significant know-how and expertise in the development and management of complex projects through its frequent participation in national and international R&D ICT projects, in many of which it acts as the coordinating company with many partners from different sectors and countries. These projects are usually co-funded by the European Union under the FP6/FP7 Programmes, the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, the Greek General Secretariat of Research and Economy, the Greek Ministry of Development and other organizations. Through the cooperation in several research activities, RTEL has established close relations with leading organizations in service provision and ICT worldwide, as well as with major public and / or academic institutions and research centres in Europe. In detail, the company heavily invests in R&D and employs highly qualified scientists and engineers, some of them with extensive international experience in similar positions. Year-by-year, a double-figured percentage of the company’s budget is invested on research and development including in-house and on-site pilot experiments, early prototypes of applications, training, certifications and specializations.

RTEL is currently participating in SIP EIP AHA Action Group 2: Prevention of Falls as the coordinator of the Ageing Well commitment. (http://www.ageingwell.eu) AgeingWell embraces a broad scope of consensus for risk factors and risk assessments, and provides products and services building upon that evidence-based and well-established scope. It provides solutions to end-users, and a number of cases in various regions are selected as typical representatives for AgeingWell deliveries.

Some of the national and international RTD projects that RTEL has participated in are:

(a) HOPE (Smart Home for Elderly People) funded under the Ambient Assisted Living Programme and RTEL was the coordinator. (http://www.hope-project.eu). Smart Home for Elderly People (HOPE) is an integrated, smart platform that enables the elderly people with Alzheimer's disease to use innovative technology for a more independent life, easy access to information, monitor their health, and serve as a source of inspiration for users as well as for people working with assistive devices. In detail, it enables them to perform by themselves activities they were not able to do before and which are important for their daily personal life.

(b) 3D (Digital Design and Development of tourism products and services) aimed in the development of dynamic-operated modules provided by tourism suppliers such as hotels, agents, airlines, tour operators.

(c) W3DS (Web Decision and Sales Support System for Business and Consumers through an open GIS Platform), a solution that includes a decision support system and a sales support system.

(d) RT2002 - aimed at the design of “SMART Kid” platform that provides a technological solution to the issue “how a kid spends the money in school”.

The main tasks that RTEL can undertake are the following:

(a) Software development. RTEL is highly experienced in the design, implementation, integration, deployment and support of complex, large-scale software solutions. It develops IT solutions for the web, desktop and mobile devices. RTEL can undertake the task of designing and development of databases, develop and integrate several subsystems into a single infrastructure-system, interface it with third-party applications, bring together different hardware and/or software solutions, and improve data sharing, security and performance. RTEL’s expertise also focuses on XML technologies, Multimedia Frameworks, Cooperative Information Systems, Mobile Computing, Open and Distance Learning, E-Commerce, e-Health, Web Services, and Service Oriented Computing.

(b) ICT Consulting. As an ICT SME, RTEL can take the responsibility of setting the requirements, select the most suitable software and hardware solutions, develop the specifications and integration plans, and perform reliable pilot validation tests.

(c) WSN Management. RTEL holds significant experience in management of wired and wireless medical and ambient sensor networks including data collection, analysis, migration and presentation of results on the web and/or smart mobile devices.

(d) Data Management. RTEL is experienced in managing large amounts of data using sophisticated tools to protect and analyze it, produce statistics and reports, and help users understand complex data and draw conclusions for research and/or decision-making.

(e) Exploitation and Dissemination. RTEL can lead efforts for exploitation and dissemination of research results on national and international level.

(f) Project Management. RTEL’s project managers hold years of experience in managing international R&D projects, especially EU funded ICT projects in many markets such as e-Health, tourism and public sectors.

Europa ESPA Infosoc
The company has been funded for its modernization from the Program "Digital Convergence".
With the co-financing of Greece and the European Union.